Display Template HTML file missing in SharePoint online

Today was trying to work on the display template in SharePoint Online.

As documented every where, that can go to Site Galleries->Master Page->Display Templates :     <your site url>/_catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx and display templates folder, to get the existing templates.

However, I was just seeing all the .js files not the HTML where I supposed to work.

Finally found the cause is Publishing Feature.


We must turn on SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature in the Site Collection Features. for the HTML pages to show up, from there we can edit the HTML files and create new display templates.

This is not documented any where.

Hope small tip will save your time!


  1. We must turn on SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature in the Site Collection Features. for the HTML pages to show up, from there we can edit the HTML files and create new display templates.front end developers

  2. Above information not available on other site.


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